Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog

Our Discover Gabriola blog features what we think is the best of Gabriola Island, sights, experiences, what’s happening, and a bit about our daily lives in the community!

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Merry Christmas Gabriola

Berry Point Branch Library, Gabriola Island Merry Christmas Gabriola….  The Lynch Group has gifted a small library, a great place to go pick up a book, or take your recycled books to share!  Just a small gesture to thank our amazing community….

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Gabriola

Berry Point Branch Library, Gabriola Island Merry Christmas Gabriola….  The Lynch Group has gifted a small library, a great place to go pick up a book, or take your recycled books to share!  Just a small gesture to thank our amazing community….

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 24, 2012

Just 2 more sleeps – Gabriola!

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas Surprise….

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 14, 2012


We’ve taken our children to Holly Tree Dental in Nanaimo, about a 10 minute walk from the Gabriola ferry and I must say that I have been very pleased with their service.  They are great with the kids, have an inviting lobby and they are creative !  One of my children had the habit of […]

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 13, 2012

Cards ! we have a few extra

We just received some cards today and we’d be happy to share some with  you.  If you have a little note that you want to send to someone, just swing by the office and pick one up.

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 12, 2012

A message from Santa…

One of our favorite family traditions in the past few years has been creating amazingly special video messages from Santa, (yes he even knows where Gabriola is),  with the help of: . These customized videos are designed for both adult and children, and you choose whether they are on the “naughty” or “nice” list. […]

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 11, 2012

Advent – Day 3

Today, Randi and I took the Foreclosure and Court Ordered Sales course that is offered as a continuing professional education course through the BCREA.  Satnam Sidhu gave a dynamic presentation on this difficult subject and lots of insights into some very complicated real estate matters.If you’re interested in knowing your credit score, once a year […]

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 03, 2012

Advent – Day 3

Today, Randi and I took the Foreclosure and Court Ordered Sales course that is offered as a continuing professional education course through the BCREA.  Satnam Sidhu gave a dynamic presentation on this difficult subject and lots of insights into some very complicated real estate matters.If you’re interested in knowing your credit score, once a year […]

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 03, 2012

Advent – Day 2

The kids signed up for the school choir and have been practicing on their recess breaks with Mr. Bradbrooke, the music teacher at the Gabriola Elementary School.  On Sunday, the kids choir sang at the United Church on South Rd, I think it was a treat for all that attended.

Posted by Jamie Penner on December 03, 2012