Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
Our Discover Gabriola blog features what we think is the best of Gabriola Island, sights, experiences, what’s happening, and a bit about our daily lives in the community!
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Happy New Year!!!
It’s that time of year again, the New Year, and with it brings that new tax assessments that are now accessible online! For those who can’t wait for their arrival in the mail box over the next couple of days, you can search your tax assessment online: https://www.bcassessment.ca .
There is a LOT of great information on the website, including the ability to do a map search of your neighborhood showing the assessed values for the homes & properties in the area. In addition to the mapping feature you can search a list of the assessments in your neighborhood, or review a sample of the sales that have occurred.
While on Gabriola (like many other areas throughout BC) we saw increases some of which were significant it’s important to also understand the relationship between the property assessments, and the property taxes:
A common misconception is that a significant change in your assessed value will result in a proportionately significant change in your property taxes. The most important factor is not how much your assessed value has changed, but how your assessed value has changed relative to the average change for your property class in your municipality or taxing jurisdiction.
Mill rates are typically sent in late Spring with the tax notices typically posted in May.
For those who wish to appeal your tax assessment notice, there is information on the process as well online, remember that you only have until 31 January 2018 to file your appeal: https://info.bcassessment.ca/Services-products/appeals . While we can not provide a value for tax purposes, we are happy to provide any additional sales information for Gabriola sales in 2017 should this information be helpful.
Happy New Year!