Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
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2015 Holiday Craft Fairs on Gabriola – Mark your Calender!!!

Continuing in our shopping local theme, in addition to some wonderful stores on the island, here are a few opportunities to buy local handmade items direct from the artisans who create these amazing pieces of work.
November 14, 2015 – Jingle Bell Craft Fair at the Gabriola Golf Course (825 South Road). 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
November 21, 2015 – Commons Christmas Craft Fair. 10am – 4pm, held at the Commons (675 North Road) and Rollo Centre. This event has become so popular, that it will be held in both the Commons and Rollo Centre. Over 30 vendors, including many new faces, will delight all of your senses and fit every budget. Raffle Baskets, Commons sweat shirts and gifts by donation can be purchased in the Commons Room upstairs.
Both kitchens will be open, with tasty Thai food at Rollo Centre, and hearty soups made by the fabulous Work Bee Soup Chefs at the Commons. The first edition of the Gabriola Commons Cookbook – “Farm to Table, Recipes from the Gabriola Community” will also be on sale in the Commons Kitchen, featuring 80 pages of Gabriolans’ favourite recipes. Only 100 copies available!
November 28, 2015 – The Surf Lodge Christmas Craft Fair 10am-5pm at the Surf Lodge (Berry Point Road) The art of Craft and the crafting of art by Gabriola residents will be on display and for sale. Look forward to some wonderful new artists, old favorites and gloriously delicious food stuffs like cheese and baked goods.
We will definitely be decking the halls for this, the first of our Christmas events!
December 5, 2015 – Gabriola Elementary School Parents Advisory Committee Christmas Craft Fair. 10am -3pm in the School. This is an exciting opportunity featuring a variety of island artists so you can do your shopping all in one place! In addition to the craft fair the famous cookie walk is a great way to support school activities, while avoiding the Christmas baking – but be early the cookies disappear quickly & the doors open at 10:00 am. There is also the very popular silent auction table with all sorts of some of the best the island has to offer, and because the money is going to such a worthy cause, you can feel good about your Christmas shopping! If you come to the School Craft Fair make sure to check out the side rooms, where both my creations under Knotty by Nature, and Tina’s daughter Bianca will both be having our tables – we’d love to see you!
December 12, 2015 – Agi Christmas Craft Fair at the Community Hall. 10am-4pm @ Gabriola Community Hall. The Gabriola Agricultural Associations annual Christmas craft fair, featuring 40 local vendors. Food will be served.
December 18, 2015 – “the Lynch Gallery” 166 DeCourcy Drive, Gabriola 4-8pm. A great opportunity to finish up the final touches of your Christmas Shopping, as you shop in the decked out studio of the Lynch Gallery. We would personally like to invite you to an evening of shopping, and holiday merriment. A great selection including “new work” & the kids will have a display table as well! We have a little something for that someone special on your list! You don’t want to miss it…