Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog

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An evening on Mudge Island

Mudg Island Boat Trip

Guy and the kids on the way to Mudge

Mudge Island Boat

Our ride to Mudge Island

Mudge Island transportation

Mudge Island Transportation

We were fortunate to have been invited over to dinner on Mudge Island this past weekend.  Mudge island is a small island located between Gabriola and Cedar, with boat access only, it has an abundance of rural charm.  To get there, we met our skipper down at the boat launch on El Verano and headed over to the island, about a 5 minute crossing.  We arrived and made our way down the dirt roads and followed rustic road signs to a beautiful home in the forest.  We were treated to a candlelight dinner (although they do have hydro, cable and phone) and the kids were entertained by rides around the island on a neighbours  golf cart.  At the end of the night, we returned home with the moon illuminating our way.

Submitted by: Tina Lynch

Posted by Jennifer on September 08, 2014