Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
Our Discover Gabriola blog features what we think is the best of Gabriola Island, sights, experiences, what’s happening, and a bit about our daily lives in the community!
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BC Assessment Notices are out
The annual BC Assessment notices will be coming out in the mail in the next few days, however, for those who are curious and can’t wait they are now available online at: http://evaluebc.bcassessment.ca so you can now search your neighborhood online, & look at recent sales of comparable properties (not all properties are comparable that are listed but have some attributes in common
It’s important to note that the assessments reflect the value as of July 1st of the previous year (unless the home was under renovation then the date is extended). There are important factors to consider when looking at assessment notices, there may have been a sale that skews the value, upgrades that didn’t require a permit, and the length of time since the BC Assessment appraiser has conducted a property inspection. Tax assessments may or may not be reflective of the market value.
If you do not believe that your assessment is reflective of the value, and you want or need to appeal your assessment you can also find information on the process to do so online at: http://www.bcassessment.ca/services-products/appeals/Appealing-your-Assessment remember you only have until January 31st, 2017 to file an appeal.