Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
Our Discover Gabriola blog features what we think is the best of Gabriola Island, sights, experiences, what’s happening, and a bit about our daily lives in the community!
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Gabriola’s favourite books

We asked for a list of favourite books, authors and childhood classics from the islanders, and we were blown away by the response that we received from Gabriola. It’s great to see that the island residents have such a passion for reading. We had over 120 responses, and some had several books listed. Over the last few weeks, The Lynch group, has been busy trying to collect as many books from this list as we could. Today, we went down to the little library and stocked it up with Gabriola’s favourite reads in time for Christmas, 53 of the classics, 81 adult & kids, and 76 from your favourite authors lists. Please go and get one for yourself, give one to a friend, or share a book that you love with your kids. We have more to add when these ones are gone ! Merry Christmas Gabriola, we really appreciate living in this community!