Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
Our Discover Gabriola blog features what we think is the best of Gabriola Island, sights, experiences, what’s happening, and a bit about our daily lives in the community!
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Gertie- Gabriola’s community bus.
We were lucky enough to have been near the bus stop last week when Gertie (Gabriola’s Environmentally Responsible Transport for Islanders Express) pulled up and was en route to the ferry. The kids and I hopped on and took our first ride in Gabriola’s community bus. It’s a great service, we currently have 2 buses running on the Island, friendly volunteer drivers on board, the bus is equipped with bike racks, it’s comfortable and clean and a great way to get around Gabriola. If you’d like a copy of the current schedule and for more information, visit A COMMUNITY BUS FOR GABRIOLA