Discover Gabriola with the Lynch Group Blog
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Home Energy Evaluation – Give Away UPDATE
Want tips about keeping your home warm, reducing your energy needs and access to grants and rebates ? Tina, Guy and I recently attended a pilot energy assessment course in Nanaimo. As participants we were given access to a few free Home Energy Audits (Valued at $300ea) to give away.
There are no fees to you, just a great way to get information about your home.
We opened up this offer this morning on Facebook and within 15 minutes, the first 3 assessments were given away, we will have a draw on Friday, Nov 21 2014 for the final professional home audit. Simply email us at lynch@discovergabriola.com to enter the draw.
** We have just received 2 additional energy assessments today (Jan 15 2015) and will give them to the first people to reply- hope to hear from you**
We also have a great list of current rebates in our area, send us an email and we’ll get it to you.
**they will require access to the audit to prepare case studies. Assessments need to be done by Jan 15 2015.